NZTIF Annual Wages Survey 2022
NZTIF recently completed it’s annual survey of wages and employment conditions in the sawmilling and wood processing industry for 2022.
Key points were:
Average across the board wages for personnel with up to two years’ experience was 6.17% in the year to 30 April 2022. The increase for personnel with more than two years’ experience was 4.52%.
Working hours reported were;
a. 5 days/week 8 hours/day 17% of responses
b. 5 days/week 9 hours/day 22% of responses
c. 5 days/week 9.5 hours/day 22% of responses
72% of respondents reported a shortage of labour, mainly timber machinists followed by maintenance engineers.
Staff turnover
a. 55% of respondents reported turnover of 0-20% over the year
b. 32% of respondents reported turnover of 21-40% over the year
Detailed results have been circulated to members who participated in the survey.